Election 2024: Get Informed. Get Engaged. Vote.
Election 2024:
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Supreme Court in Focus
Originalism, the Roberts Court, and the Future of Constitutional Interpretation
In celebration of Constitution Day, the Institute of American Civics at the Howard H. Baker Jr. School of Public Policy and Public Affairs at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, hosted Keith Whittington, the David Boies Professor of Law at Yale Law School.
An audience of over 300 students, faculty, and the public filled an auditorium at the student union to listen to Whittington speak on the questions of how the Constitution works, how we should be interrupting it, and what the future of the court and constitutional interruption might be. He set the table by giving general thought to constitutional interpretation and defining originalism.

Economics in Focus
Can the Presidential Candidates’ Plans Deliver Economic Prosperity?
The Howard H. Baker Jr. School of Public Policy and Public Affairs and the Haslam College of Business at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, welcomed a pair of national pundits – Michael Strain, director of Economic Policy Studies at the American Enterprise Institute and Matthew Yglesias, independent columnist — to discuss economics and the 2024 Presidential Election. Haslam’s Professor of Practice, Monica Langley, moderated the debate.
Strain and Yglesias provided insights on Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump’s economic policy plans regarding inflation, industrial and trade, taxes, immigration, and the American dream.

Foreign Policy in Focus
The Future of America’s International Alliances and Partnerships
The United States is at a critical juncture for its foreign policy. As U.S. policymakers confront long-term strategic competition with China, major wars in Europe and the Middle East are unfolding. How the next U.S. administration and Congress address these key challenges will define America’s global leadership role for decades to come.
The Brookings Foreign Policy program in partnership with the Baker School at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, hosted a fireside chat with former U.S. Senator Bob Corker in conversation with Brookings Vice President and Director of the Foreign Policy program Suzanne Maloney and the Baker School’s Director of the Center for National Security and Foreign Affairs Krista Wiegand, offering perspectives on America’s role in the world.
Following the fireside chat, an expert panel continued the discussion to consider how best to work with partners and allies to manage global challenges. Included on the panel was Tara Varma, Visiting Fellow, Center on the United States and Europe, Foreign Policy, Brookings; Michael O’Hanlon, Senior Fellow and Director of Research, Foreign Policy, Brookings; Krista Wiegand, Director of the Center for National Security and Foreign Affairs, Baker School of Public Policy and Public Affairs, and moderated by Joel Christopher, Executive Editor of the Knoxville New Sentinel, USA Today Network.