Are Carbon Markets Reshaping the US Electricity Industry?
Energy and Environment Forum

Are Carbon Markets Reshaping the US Electricity Industry?
To reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, many governments are experimenting with market-based policies that aim to regulate a mixture of local sources and emissions-intensive imports. Matthew Zaragoza-Watkins, assistant professor at Vanderbilt University, will discuss a study of California’s cap-and-trade program that included imported electricity and the programs impacts on emissions and output from fossil-fired power plants connected to the western electricity grid.
Zaragoza-Watkins will highlight key findings that have important implications for policymakers seeking to reduce emissions, mitigate emissions leakage, or accelerate the transition to renewable energy sources.
Zaragoza-Watkins is an assistant professor of Economics where he studies the design and performance of electricity, energy, and environmental markets. He previously worked as a senior economist at the Environmental Defense Fund and an air pollution specialist for the California Air Resources Board, where they implemented the AB 32 greenhouse gas cap-and-trade program. He has advised policymakers in India and China on emissions markets and greenhouse gas policy.