The Baker School of Public Policy and Public Affairs Board of Directors commissioned the College of Communication and Information’s Land Grant Films to produce a documentary on the life and legacy of former Senator Howard H. Baker, Jr., who also served as chief of staff to President Ronald Reagan and U.S. Ambassador to Japan. Baker for America examines the senator’s life and how his principles can teach us valuable lessons today.

Our faculty conduct research and work with policymakers to resolve major public policy challenges, and our students have opportunities inside and outside the classroom to build their problem solving skills so they are ready to build meaningful careers in public service.

Student Support
Undergraduate and graduate students are rooted in the legacy of Howard H. Baker Jr.
- CONFIDENCE IN AMERICA —Understanding and holding confidence in America’s institutions
- YOU MIGHT BE RIGHT — Respect for opposing viewpoints as a hallmark of leadership
- FINDING COMMON GROUND — Mastering the art of the possible to solve complex problems
Baker School students will find a wealth of mentoring and resources to grow their talents. Faculty are easily accessible to our students, and the Baker School network of contacts and alumni across the country stand ready to help our students find their way after graduation.

Overall Vision
We have clearly defined how The Baker School is here to help students be part of the solution.