NSFA Faculty, Experts, and Staff
NSFA Faculty, Experts, and Staff
NSFA Faculty

Krista Wiegand
Professor and Director, Center for National Security and Foreign Affairs
Specialties: International Relations, Territorial & Maritime Disputes, Conflict Management, Indo-Pacific, US National Security
NSFA Experts

Suzie Allard
Specialties: Knowledge creation and disruption; science data; science misinformation

Vasabjit Banerjee
Specialties: Insurgencies; civil-military relations; state formation

Matthew Buehler
Senior Fellow
Specialties: Comparative politics of the Middle East and North Africa; democratization, authoritarianism; Islamist parties; public opinion; nuclear nonproliferation; migration

Sarah Hillyer
Specialties: International promotion of peace and sport-based social change

Ben Horne
Specialties: Disinformation campaigns; policymaking for internet governance and censorship

Wonjae Hwang
Specialties: International and domestic consequences of globalization; political and economic conditions of foreign policy; politics in the UN; Northeast Asian politics; and Korean politics

Eric Keels
Non-Resident Fellow
Specialties: Civil war; ethnic violence; election violence; international mediation; peace agreements; resource curse; and conflict management

Sojeong Lee
Senior Fellow
Specialties: International relations; comparative politics; water and natural resources; conflict processes; foreign policy; Asian security; climate change and environmental politics

Catherine Luther
Specialties: Identity, media, and national security; disinformation and propaganda; influences of digital and social media

Kelly Morrison
Specialties: Human rights; democratic institutions; international law; international organizations

Andrew Muhammad
Specialties: Climate change and international trade; global food security, food choice and global nutrition; supply chains in developing countries; trade policy and commodity markets

Brandon Prins
Senior Fellow
Specialties: International relations; militarized conflict; maritime piracy; maritime crime

Jonathan Ring
Lecturer and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Specialties: International Relations, Human Rights, Civil Society

Tony Schmitz
Specialties: Advanced manufacturing and industry/defense needs

Ketki Sheth
Specialties: Development and labor economics, focused on gender gaps and financial access, health and education

Maurice Stucke
Specialties: Implications of AI on global security and well-being; antitrust and privacy policies for the digital economy
Emeritus NSFA Experts
- Candace White – Fellow
- Allyn Milojevich – Fellow
- Deborah Penchoff – Fellow
NSFA Staff