Student Organizations
Student organizations provide the opportunity to build relationships with your peers while participating in fun activities, networking opportunities, and registration drives.
Baker School Student Association
The Baker School Student Association (BSSA) is a student organization fostered by the Howard H. Baker Jr. School of Public Policy and Public Affairs. The BSSA is committed to the principles of civility and integrity, dedicated to the spirit of public service, and embodies the legacy of Senator Baker. We take pride in representing these values and seek to make them the cornerstones of our community and activities.
The BSSA hosts bi-weekly meetings that range from fun, fellowship-oriented events, like our mystery game of “Who Stole Howard Baker’s Camera,” to more professional networking events, like chatting with local and state political officials over dinner.
One of BSSA’s goals is to better equip its members to handle a career in public service. Whether through professionalism workshops, committee and leadership positions, faculty and staff mentorship, or various opportunities that emerge throughout the year, the BSSA will find tailored career developing opportunities for its associates and provide resources and experiences that make each associate feel more confident entering their field of interest.
Engagement & Leadership Opportunities
BSSA offers multiple ways for you to further your engagement through executive positions and committees. Elections for executive positions are held each spring semester. To learn more about these roles and other BSSA policies, please read our Club Constitution.
Membership is open to all students. A “member” of the BSSA is defined as any student at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in good academic standing, that has a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, and that has filled out and submitted the interest form.
“Member” graduates to “associate” when a member has attended two thirds (⅔) of the meetings/events over the course of a single semester (with the exception of extenuating circumstances), has filled out an application, and has been approved by the advisor. Graduating to associate status allows members to become eligible for:
- Running for executive office;
- Holding an executive position;
- Being a member of a committee; and
- Professional opportunities, etc.
To express interest in becoming a member, complete this form.
Fall 2024 Meetings
Meetings are held ever other Wednesdays from 5:30 – 6:30 pm in the Toyota Auditorium at the Baker School.
- August 28
- September 11
- September 25
- October 9
- October 23
- November 6
- November 20
Organization Advisor
Jordan Smith-Porter , Assistant Director of Student Success
Stay Up To Date
Instagram @utkbssa
Baker Student Weekly: promotes all events that the Baker School hosts, including BSSA meetings!
Baker Student GroupMe: receive timely reminders and connect with other BSSA students! Ask to be added at the next meeting.
Baker Graduate Student Association
The primary objective of the Baker Graduate Student Association (BGSA) is to provide a platform for Baker graduate students to connect, collaborate, and support one another in both academic and non-academic pursuits. We value civility, public service, and continuing the legacy of Howard H. Baker Jr. We pride ourselves for being a place where graduate students can gather and learn from experts, learn from each other, and collaborate to make the most of our time at the Baker School.
BGSA hosts an official meeting once a month on Tuesdays at 5 to 5:45 PM. This is a time to listen to guest speakers, host events, amongst other activities. Additionally, we will have optional socials throughout the year, both during the week and on the weekends.
Our goal is to better prepare students for public service and to give them ample networking and career opportunities. This will allow students to have more knowledge about the workforce and more confidence before entering their careers.
Executive Positions
BGSA Executive election and leadership transition for all positions will take place at the second meeting of the Spring Semester or via an anonymous survey. There is the position of president, vice president, secretary, recruitment chair, and treasurer. For more information about the official policies and procedures, please read the Constitution.
A member of the Baker School Student Association is defined as any student at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville enrolled as a Baker Graduate or Accelerated Program Student, and that has filled out and submitted the interest form.
Stay Up To Date
Baker Student Weekly: promotes all events that the Baker School hosts, including BGSA meetings!
Have Questions?
Email BGSA Keristen Layrock at keralayr@vols.utk.edu
Current Executive Team
Jackson Scott, President, is a Master of Public Policy student and is expected to graduate in May of 2025 with a graduate certificate in national security. He graduated with his undergraduate degree from UTK in May of 2023. At the Baker School, he is heavily involved in the Center for National Security and Foreign Affairs and works closely with its director Dr. Krista Wiegand. He hopes to join either security studies think tank or the federal government upon graduation.
Aom Boonphatthanasoonthorn, Vice President, is a second-year graduate student at the Howard H. Baker Jr. School of Public Policy and Public Affairs (Baker School), pursuing a master’s degree in public policy (MPP) with a certificate in national security. Currently, Aom is a graduate assistant at the Center for National Security & Foreign Affairs (NSFA) within the Baker School, primarily participating in research produced by NSFA fellows, as well as facilitating events and lectures hosted by the NSFA.
Kersiten Layrock, Secretary, is an MPPA student and is expected to graduate in May of 2025. She received her undergraduate degree of Political Science from UT in May of 2023. She plans to work for state or federal government upon graduating.
Maggie Lingle, Recruitment Chair, is a second-year Master of Public Administration student focusing on Economic and Community Development. She graduated from the University of Tennessee with a bachelor’s degree in history in August 2023. Maggie is a Graduate Assistant working for the Howard H. Baker Jr. School of Public Policy and Public Affairs. Upon graduation, Maggie hopes to find a career in administration, community development, or human resources at the state or federal level.
Penny Taylor, Treasurer, is a graduate student pursuing a master’s degree in public administration with a certificate in Nonprofit Management. She graduated with an undergraduate degree from Southeast Missouri State University in August 2023. Currently, Penny is a Project Manager at UT Knoxville College of Nursing. She hopes to continue her career in grant writing, administration, and nonprofit administration.