A Profile of the Energy Sector in Tennessee
Matthew N. Murray, Charles Sims, Bruce Tonn, Jean Peretz, Jeff Wallace, Ryan Hansen, Lew Alvarado, December 15, 2014
In the 108th session of the Tennessee General Assembly, legislation was passed directing the Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy at the University of Tennessee and the Sparks Bureau of Business and Economic Research at the University of Memphis to “…perform a study on the economic feasibility of creating and utilizing a statewide comprehensive energy plan. The study shall examine the state’s current and future energy supply and demand needs, existing energy policies, and emerging energy challenges and opportunities.” This report is our collective effort to fulfill this legislative mandate.
In addressing our charge from the General Assembly, we have placed heavy emphasis on providing background data and information to inform the public and policymakers. In other words, we have sought to provide a resource that will be of lasting value to those who are interested in state energy issues. Our goal is to provide stakeholders with a better understanding of Tennessee’s energy sector and how it fits within the context of regional, national and global markets and policy influences. It is essential that public policy be built on a common foundation of information and knowledge to ensure stakeholder support and policy efficacy.